When we come from a
literate society where we can get books in a book store, on-line shipped to our
house, on a tablet, on a Kindle or Nook, on our computer, where text-books are
handed out for free in our schools we sometimes take some things for granted.
For Christians one of
those things is the Bible. We have fifty million translations, many churches
have Bibles in the pews or on a table to pick up as you go into worship, and if
you grew up in church, at least the United Methodist Church, you probably received
the Bible as a gift at least 3 times before you graduated high school. I think
as I entered college I had five different translations of the Bible sitting on
my bookshelf and I hadn’t bought any of them.

I have at times been
ashamed of how much development I have tried to bring into the local church as
a missionary without putting the word of God as the top priority. I sometimes
assume that this is already central in the church, but when 80% or better of
your congregation doesn’t have a Bible this is a terrible assumption to make. I
can’t rightly get upset that people don’t have a more full vision of the church
when I, as a missionary, have failed to give them the one book that gives that
full vision, not in my sermons or teachings, but the actual word of God for
they themselves to read and understand.
I write all of this to
happily say that this is about to change. I am going this week to pick up
Bibles to bring back to the churches of the Mara District. And this is just a
small part of a conference wide project. Thanks to a recent agreement between
Discipleship Resources International, a department of the General Board of
Discipleship, and the Tanzanian Annual Conference, we have funding to purchase
and then sell at a discounted rate, Bibles for the churches of Tanzania. While
I am receiving Bibles for the Mara District, Bibles will also be distributed to
all 6 of our other districts to be distributed to individual churches. This is
the first step of our new publishing program. We have other books coming out,
even this year, but we all agree that no other book is worth anything if we can’t
first get the Word of God into the hands of Christians.
This is the source of it
all, the living Word of God to be used in the lives of people by the Living
God. And I am honored to be a small part of this happening here in Tanzania.
Anyone reading this who is so inclined, I ask that you pray for each person receiving
this word of God in the coming months as the Bibles make their way to
individual churches and then to individuals. That they be inspired by the
Living Word of God to encounter, love, and receive the Living God.
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