Friday, April 10, 2020

Breaking Down Barriers Between Us and the Divine

During this, what is for many of us, unprecedented time of change, isolation, and concern one thing for sure is that we are seeing reduced barriers to seeking God. There is less busyness, less distractions, less activity then is normal for our lives. Less spring break travel and spring sports. And while it feels like one of the longest Lenten seasons ever it has also provided ample opportunity and reason to seek out God and His Hope for new life.

Holy Week has always been for me a focus on how Jesus opens up with pathways to God and facilitates us making a relationship with God in heightened ways at this point in his ministry. One of my favorite moments in scripture happens during Holy Week, specifically Good Friday. More on that later.

All throughout Holy Week Jesus focuses on reducing the barriers that keep us from connecting with God. He turns over tables in the temple, preaches in parables, and engages in incredible personal sacrifice all to open up a way to get to God.

Today I will be posting short blogs, and sharing on Facebook for those interested, about seven barriers that Jesus removes for us so that we can better connect with God. Hopefully these will provide some time for reflection and prayer on Good Friday as we move towards Easter and the celebration of life and resurrection that is the pinnacle of our faith.

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