Saturday, November 9, 2013

Being the One in the Back

Well, we made it half-way through. It is Saturday, the pastor seminar started on Monday and it will end on Thursday with a celebration at our house with all of the pastors that have attended the two week seminar. It has been a first in many ways, most of them good.

It has been the first time we have hosted a multi-day teaching by someone that is not me.
It is the first time that we have hosted pastors for a seminar from outside of the Mara Region.
It is the first time to really start looking out how this pastor’s college/education center that we want to establish here in Tanzania may possibly work in bringing in teachers, bringing together pastors, and taking another step in the right direction for the United Methodist Church in Tanzania.

The teachings have been amazing, with Claude Kayler, from Covenant Community Church in

Asheville, NC working through sickness, jet lag, and a language barrier to really try and connect with the pastors. From what all of the pastors are saying he has succeeded.

The pastors are connecting, getting to hear about common challenges, and looking at positive ways forward. They are excited about this chance, and have shared with me many things that will be incorporated into future trainings and conference wide projects, some of which are already in the works as early as this December, and others which are still mainly dreams.

One of the best parts of all is that I get to serve. Many times here I am the one up front, but this week I get to be the one in the back. I am making sure food gets delivered on time, things are bought and paid for, small problems (like a tooth extraction for on of our pastors) are taken care of,  and all the while great discussion and teaching is going on…without me. It has been a great time for me to be able to serve and receive the gift of being able to do for others, and to model our calling as Christians to be servants first.

All in all, it has a been a good, if tiring week.

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